Blood Glucose Monitoring System
Bluetooth® low energy technology
Advanced GDH-FAD Technology
Auto Coding
5 seconds Fast Test Time
Measures with Small Blood Sample
Stores up to 500 Results
Merilniki krvnega sladkorja
A glucose meter is a medical device for determining the approximate concentration of glucose in the blood. It is a key element of home blood glucose monitoring (HBGM) by people with diabetes mellitus or hypoglycemia. A small drop of blood, obtained by pricking the skin with a lancet, is placed on a disposable test strip that the meter reads and uses to calculate the blood glucose level.
Control Solution
Accuracy & Performance check
Control Solution
Blood Glucose Monitoring System
USB only | Windows | EN only
Z aplikacijo Rossmax Healthstyle APP lahko upravljate svoj krvni tlak, glukozo v krvi, SpO2, težo in temperaturo v samo eni sami aplikaciji. Izdelki bodo zlahka povezani prek Bluetooth, podatkovna komunikacija v realnem času pa je oddaljena le en klik. Povsem novo izkušnjo pa predstavlja deljenje podatkov ter skupna raba grafov s tretjimi osebami.
Available Languages (English, German, French, Italian, Traditional Chinese, Thai)
Pogosta vprašanja
Kaj je normalna telesna temperatura? | Zakaj moramo meriti telesno temperaturo? | Kako natančne so meritve s termometri?